We gathered last evening on zoom after what had been a glorious Spring day. It was quite obviously so good for the spirit.

We enjoyed lovely readings, prayers and music. Thank you Everyone!

Healing was on hand afterwards as always,. Thank you Healers!!

Please continue to pray for those affected by knife crime and the perpetrators who must be so lost to commit these acts of sheer violence against others.

Haylie Fox is with us Sunday in Chawton!!! See you then!!

Sitting down in my Home Office this morning as the birdsong just rings out, there is one song that stands out, I have to say above all others. The humble Blackbird sings relentlessly and what a beautiful song indeed he sings.

It is very heartening to know that the Blackbird who is regular visitor to my garden has been coming from his first season and will return to this area throughout his life to breed, having claimed my garden as his, and he will stay with his partner for life.

His partner, a soft brown slightly smaller bird, will be busy raising young no doubt, as they can have up to five batches of young ones between March and July. Males usually sing to attract a mate, define their territory and just for the sheer joy of I am here and alive!!

Well Sunday we were very much there and alive in Chawton, and enjoyed so many lovely prayers and readings and did a bit of singing ourselves!

Rob gave opportunity for Questions, and we had quite a few, and could have gone even longer, but tea was ready and we had to stop. It was a lovely family night of learning and asking those questions you don’t always get a chance to ask!!

Rob has a youtube channel where there is a lot of information and many questions can get answered. Here is the link-


Thanks to Nerina who chaired us beautifully. Thankyou to all who prayed and shared readings. Julie on music. More Divine cake from Carole, Sue food angel handling everything so well, Healers on hand, and all set up and break down of the gathering.

Prayer of the week.

In light of sadly even more knife crime, and some very close to home, please pray for the victims and families, and also for the perpetrators, who seem to have no connection to the life they injure.

Calendar up next.

Have a beautiful week. I don’t see a cloud in the sky right now. Fingers crossed.

Picture credit Art Wittingen