Every day on my walk with one of my dogs, I pass an absolutely stunning display of yellow flowers. I thought they looked like Buttercups, but decided they couldn’t possibly be. A little too early, as the Daisies and the Dandelions are taking centre stage right now. Well it turns out they are. They are a Creeping Buttercup in a very damp area next to a river.

They are a wonderful form of pollination, as they have a pool of nectar at the bottom of their petals. There are approximately two thousand species of them and they all follow the sun.

It is their reflective cells that give them that stunning look and account for the glow under your chin you might remember from childhood days. Hailed as representing Joy and Happiness in general, they are a very cheery wildflower to make you smile.

Well we were bubbling over with Joy and Happiness last night. The energy was so high and lovely as we welcomed Sarah Norris as our Guest Medium. She gave us lovely inspired thoughts, brought beautiful messages along with plenty of humour. Thank you Sarah!!

It was a lovely night, as Chris Shore warmly chaired our evening.

Thank you to those who read and prayed for us. Thank you Julie on music, Food Angels for cake, tea and coffee and hospitality.

Thank you to our Healers of course on hand afterwards, and everyone who sets up and clears up so we can have our gathering!!

Prayer of the week.

Please pray for displaced people. Can you imagine how many displaced people, refugees there are…? Children, adults, animals- all on the move or living in tented accommodation if they are lucky. It is a continual crisis.

Calendar will be up next.

Enjoy the beautiful chilly days as Spring finally unfolds..